Welcome to Week 1

Welcome to Week 1!

I hope this course marks the beginning of the end of your ARE experience!

I finished my last exam about nine months FIVE YEARS! ago, and began sharing what I remembered from my exams and preparation. A lot of people have reached out to me since then, but the two most common questions I get are whether I provide tutoring and where I found so many practice questions. This course is my response to both questions.

I used the same online resources everyone else has, but the best study questions were the ones I asked myself. The questions I asked in order to force myself to really understand a concept I knew I did not know.

I don’t believe I am any more skilled or knowledgeable in any of this stuff than you are. I promise that during this course you will come across questions and information which you know far better than I do. I did well on the ARE because I can study efficiently and understand tests well. So the most valuable skills that I can share is how to focus your studies and how to think critically about these subjects. How to find the right information and how to ask yourself the tough questions that cut through all the filler and identify what’s really important.

I hope you find this course helpful in your exam prep. I’m confident that if you focus on these assignment you will earn yourself more than a few extra correct answers on exam day.

Thank you for signing up, do well on your exams and keep in touch!

[email protected]

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