Required Books

There are no specific books required to complete this course or to pass the Programming and Analysis exam.

That said, my advice for ARE 5.0 success has always been to study mostly from the primary resources, the ones listed in the NCARB ARE 5.0 Handbook, and then supplement with third party material, like Hyperfine.

PA is a tough exam because the exam content is all over the place, so the book list that has enough info to make it worth it is actually pretty short. There are dozens of free resources listed in the study assignments that will help you out quite a bit.

With that in mind, I have used the most common, and I think most valuable, books from the NCARB Handbook to write this course and source my answers. Those books are listed here.

The Architect's Handbook of Professional Practice
This might be the only book that actually IS required to pass the exams. It is absolutely vital for PcM and PjM and you can use it for all six exams.

Space Planning Basics

Site Planning and Design Handbook

The HOK Guidebook to Sustainable Design

These are all Amazon links. As a member of the Amazon Affiliates I receive a commission for any products you buy after following one of these links. It's 4.5% for book! You can read more about affiliate marketing, passive income and website monetization in my free(ish) course, Intro to Passive Income. But maybe finish the ARE first?!

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